333700-J: 100 Amp Isolation Section x 4.5m (Green)

333700-J: 100 Amp Isolation Section x 4.5m (Green)

(Code: IPC0550250)
333700-J: 100 Amp Isolation Section x 4.5m (Green)
333700-J: 100 Amp Isolation Section x 4.5m (Green)

Insul-8’s Safe- Lec 2® series is the new standard in the overhead crane, monorail, and material handling electrification industry.

This is a green isolation section that measures 4.5m. This section is rated at 100 Amps. This section is to be used in clean and dry environments.

Isolation sections allow for an electrical separation between adjacent conductor bar sections.

*Note: It is recommended that isolation sections are not to be fitted into ground conductors (green covers)

US$ 690.90